
About Total Wellness Massage

Our aim at Total Wellness Massage is to provide an exceptional service that allows our clients to be pain free, moving better and performing at their optimum level whether that is in the workforce, on a sporting field or in general day to day health, and creating a sense of “Total Wellness”.

Our clientele range from active sport enthusiasts that are typically involved in cycling, triathlons, athletics and various team sports; to office workers that require massage due to the work they perform; and retirees who focus on being pain free, comfortable and enjoying quality of life.

Massage is an integral part of keeping fit and healthy.

Massage has been proven to aid in injury recovery, flexibility, decrease muscle tension, pain reduction, increased circulation and also for general wellbeing.

The Team

Todd Whittaker

I completed my diploma of Remedial Massage in 2008 at the Australian College of Natural Medicine in Brisbane. When I graduated, I moved to Toowoomba to marry my beautiful wife. I have since enjoyed working alongside other Massage Therapists, Exercise Physiologists, Physiotherapists and Chiropractors throughout the Darling Downs region...

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Hi! I am Kylie. I have been working in Remedial Massage since I received my diploma in 2015. I love to combine deep tissue techniques with trigger points and cup work. I believe each client is uniquely different and I enjoy the challenge of adapting each treatment to specifically meet your needs. Stress management and pain relief are the focus of my treatments. I look forward to treating you soon

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My name is Les, I have been practicing Remedial Massage for over 6 years and spent most of my career working at a busy multi modality clinic in Brisbane city. During this time I Worked alongside Musculoskeletal Therapists, Acupuncturists, and other Natural Health practitioners. Being located in the City, I had the privilege to work with a broad range of people from elite athletes to office workers all with different needs and conditions. I believe you should never stop learning, which is why I am currently studying to be an Exercise Physiologist

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